Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I See a Red Door...

"Paint It Black," said the Rolling Stones. Well, that's a tad too Gothic for this blogger's little wifey, but rest assured, it will be painted something. This weekend marks the first major project of my tenure as an official "homeowner," and I'm terrified that there will be many, many more to follow.

Although this is a purely hypothetical post (the little wifey has had all the paint colors picked out for quite some time), I thought it might be fun to poll the blog audience as to which colors Bibb should paint his new home. Suggest away! And who knows, maybe one of your suggestions will be picked up by the Paint Color Choice Committee!
(There is no actual chance of that happening.)


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Congrats on becoming a homeowner! My pointless vote: crisp white house with black shutters and red door are always a sharp choice! And a good investment--people who study these things find that houses with red doors sell faster.

Fork said...

Go with Space Babe Red! Wifey will love it!

Anonymous said...

Green and Gold! Sic 'em Bears!