Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wait...Those Aren't the Pips

For those of you who do not follow Americon Idle (and no, those aren't typos; I'm attempting to be clever), there was one brief moment on last night's show that partially made up for all of the crappy singing and homoerotic bickering between Seacrest and Cowell this season. I suppose it made me long for the bygone days of variety comedy shows. Remember those? Great, hilarious programs like The Carol Burnett Show and Monty Python's Flying Circus, where truly intelligent people would come up with outrageous sketches that did not wholly depend on sexual aberrance or political pandering (thank you, SNL).

Anyway, you should probably watch this first to give yourself some enjoyable context for the more recent clip. Incidentally, this is one of my favorite songs of all time, and it really felt like Thalia, the muse of comedy, took special pity on me last night after Archuleta butchered Lennon's immortal song "Imagine," when she gave me this refreshingly funny (in a 1960s and 70s sort of way) clip to watch. Enjoy.

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