Thursday, May 08, 2008

Ex Libris

Oh! The relief, blogapaloozas! The immense, profound relief! I just submitted the third of my three major term papers for this semester, and life instantly got 60-75% sweeter!

Admittedly, I still don't know what my grades will look like, but I think they'll all be A's. Folks, I only have one more semester of school . . . PERIOD! Do you understand me?! One semester stands between me and the end of school for all time! No, I don't think you quite grasp the significance of this situation. Let me elaborate.

1. Counting all my public school experience (K-12th grade), I've been in school for 20 years. That's two decades. That's two-thirds of my entire life. Capiche?
2. After this coming fall, I will NEVER have to write another G-D@#?ed term paper for the rest of my G-D@#?ed life on this earth! Do you hear me?! NEVER!!!
3. In just two short months, my lovely bride and I will be soaring high over the Atlantic Ocean on our way to my true homeland, the United Kingdom. I'm so giddy about this trip that I'm having trouble suppressing the desire to tap dance as I type this. Honestly, I will kneel and kiss the soil when we arrive, international decorum be D@#?ed!
4. I don't have to go back to Eyrieville U's campus for almost three whole weeks! That means no schoolbags, no rushed breakfasts from Morebucks, no innane lectures where I have to listen to hours of loquacious BS spewed forth like offal from the mouths of pimply, insecure graduate hacks! Halleloooooooooooooo . . . . . . . . . YA!

Now maybe you understand. If any of you have any favors to ask of me, now would be the time. I'm in one of the most optimistically bubbly moods of my whole life. When Monday comes, however, and the grades are posted, things may well come crashing down. Until then, blogfellows, I'm the happiest Bibb in town!


Anonymous said...

Hey, about that donation you were going to make to the theatre...

Bibb Leo File said...

I'm not rich. Just happy.

Fork said...

How about helping me with rent? Or get me a Playstation 3! A bag of money would be fine too since you're so rich and all.