Thursday, April 24, 2008


So, Eyrieville has been pelted by horrific weather recently. Hail the size of Volkswagen Jettas. Winds that tear your shorts off on the way to the mailbox. Thunderheads so dark and ominous that one expects the four horsemen to come galloping out of it, flaming swords in hand.

What's going on here? Honestly, every Thursday night the firmament opens and the Lord allows the bottom to drop out on us for several hours. This has happened for the past six weeks, loyal bloggeneers, and this Bibb is getting a bit twitchy over it.

Have we got a Jonah here in Eyrieville? Is someone trying to hide from God's commands down one of our back avenues? Should I organize a posse? I don't know that I've ever been this freaked over meteorological phenomena before. I've lived through a Texas hurricane, an Oklahoma tornado, a Wyoming blizzard, and the movie Michael Clayton, so one would think I would be past any revenant disaster phobias by now. But I'm not, blogfellows, I'm just not.

Take a look at the following photograph.

Now try to imagine that bearing down on you as you desperately try to drive away from it. No matter which direction you take, the twister follows, even if you make a 180 degree turn. This describes a recurring dream I've had about tornadoes off and on for most of my life. I'm no Freud, but I guess for me, tornadoes represent the unbridled power of God through nature, and my attempt to outrun them or evade them may indicate a latent fear of answering God's purpose for my life.

Good grief...I'm the Jonah?

What should I do, blogpals? Try to confront the twister in my dream? Go Pecos Bill on its ass and rope it into submission, metaphorically speaking? Or have I got things all wrong with my analysis of the dream?

Whaddya say, bloggerinis? Put Bibb on the couch and pick his addled brain.


Anonymous said...

A curious conundrum... I like your interpretation, but I have a bit of a different take:

You are now the keeper of the cat that Forky abandoned. Forky now misses his cat that he abandoned. We all know that Forky, who abandoned his cat, can be a bit of a disaster at times; tornadoesque, if you will. I think that the cat abandoning Forky is the tornado in your dream and you are subconsciously afraid that he is going to come after you in order to reclaim your beloved cat whom he abandoned.

Bibb Leo File said...

Hmm...(here you must envision me with my two forefingers forming a triangle pressed against my chin in scholarly consideration), transference and abandonment issues, eh? Jeez, I am screwed up.

And you're going to give Forky a serious guilt complex. Now he'll dream of a tornado full of neglected kitties mewling their destructive way across Kansas.


Fork said...

Oh NELSON! Forgive me!

Fork said...

I say go Pecos Bill on that tornado's ass.