Monday, February 25, 2008

Quod Erat Demonstrandum!

What did I tell you?
5 out of 6 ain't bad, n'est-ce pas? And a couple were real surprises, according to the experts. I'm like Cassandra, cursed to know the future but denied the respect and credulity of my peers!

Ok, so I'm a Cassandra who didn't see that Tilda "I look like a snake" Swinton was slotted to win for Michael Clayton. But who can blame me? Did any of you see Michael Clayton? ZZZZzzzzzzzz. As my clever wife declared when the ridiculous credits began to roll across Clooney's Cary-Grantesque display of bewildered innocence, "That was like the male version of Erin Brockovich, only not as good." I concur.

Seriously though, next year I'm entering an Oscar pool for some cold, hard cash.

unless that already happened...


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Glad to see you back. And well done on the prognostications. I refrained from all such activity. Well, that's not entirely true; Abstention implies intention. I forgot about the awards until they were on. And even then I only watched on mute with captions. I couldn't bear the thought of Michael Moore lecturing us on health care while cheeseburger dribbled down his chin or any of the actors congratulating themselves as if they'd just eradicated world poverty. But I am looking forward to seeing some of the films I've missed so far. Beeki and I got Netflix so we wouldn't have to go to the awful movie theatres here anymore.

Bibb Leo File said...

Kudos on the Netflix. I'm a longtime member myself. Take my advice and steer clear of Michael Clayton, and you could probably forget about Atonement as well, though Beeki might enjoy it.

No Country For Old Men, however, is a must see. It's nice to see the Coens getting their due again. They truly rock.

Anonymous said...

I think I managed to send Beeki to Atonement with her mother while her father and I saw something about things that blew up. It was the best scenario for all affected.

Tracy said...

Look at you, good guesser!