Saturday, July 08, 2006


Ahoy, me summer movie-goin' hearties! Looks like there finally be somethin' worth droppin' anchor for in these choppy, bland waters! Steer your vessel posthaste toward Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest, and you won't be disappointed. I can't remember the last time I had this much fun at the movies. The story is well-written, the action sequences are innovative and hilarious, Johnny Depp gives his usual best in every frame, and Davy Jones and his crew of CGI-enhanced miscreants of the sea are about the coolest things I've ever seen on screen. Finally, a summer movie that delivers in both the storyline and special effects departments! Kudos to Gore Verbinski for making a really cool adventure film that doesn't bore the crap out of the thinkers in the audience!

If you love pirates (and you know that you do), you will absolutely love this film. I would unquestionably rate this diamond in the rough as the best film of 2006 thus far (yes, even better than Pixar's Cars). If you had told me last year that the two most interesting and refreshingly original films of the upcoming summer were going to be produced by Disney, I would have slapped you right in the face. I don't know, maybe the ol' Mouse has some magic left in him after all.


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Ooh, now I can't wait to see it. But it will have to be really good to be better than the unexpectedly excellent Cars.

Fork said...

Going to see it tonight! Yo ho ho!