Where's the photo, you ask? Well, unlike most of America, I do not think that posting photos of my family members online for all to see is the wisest e-choice. Call me an overprotective father if you must, but you'll just have to settle for Weird Al's newest (and most amazingly animated) video about that notorious badass, Charles Nelson Reilly, after whom our little adopted kitty was named. Isn't that right, Forky?
Ladies and Bloglemen, I have a son. His name is Oren Aardvark File (only slightly changed to protect the incontinent), and he was born at 7:40 p. m. on August 13 after his mother endured unspeakable physical duress in bringing him into this world.
This got me to thinking.
Why did women come off so poorly in the whole Eden curse situation? I mean, Adam had to go work for his food, which really only amounts to fresh air and varied experiences, while Eve was saddled with horrible pain just for propagating the species. And the snake? The one crafty SOB who truly caused all the trouble? His legs were taken away, true, but then he was given monster fangs, around 150 hearts, the ability to prolong his life through skin regeneration, neurotoxic venom, camoflauge capabilities, and a knack for slithering at...get this...up to 13 mph! What the frick, God?!
Anyway, I feel your pain, ladies. And I've seen it all happen firsthand. Jeez, guys, did we ever luck out on that deal.