Friday, June 05, 2009

Gradalis Scholasticus

Holy...Grail, blogademes! Your intrepid Sir Bibs was at long last deemed worthy of a glimpse of the holy of holies this afternoon at around 4:00. After questing for many years (nine, but who's counting?), this weary knight of knowledge has finally neared his journey's end.

I passed my Ph.D. qualifying exams today. That's right, blogstudents, I'm one dissertation away from being...wait for it...a bona fide doctor! Not the kind that makes lots of money for splicing a couple of arteries together and then going off to play golf all week, but a doctor nonetheless! The official term for my current status is ABD (Almost Brain Dead), and many schools will actually consider hiring me now! No kidding! I already got a call from the local community college about setting up an interview (and before you scoff, consider that, in these turbid economic times, community colleges are paying much more than their university counterparts).

O Lord, thanks be to Thee for Thy mercy and guidance! Bless this travel-sore wanderer and lead him to the sacred grove of academe!

1 comment:

Fork said...

So we can now call you "Doctah Jones?"