Wednesday, June 04, 2008

London Countdown: T-Minus 5 Weeks

Captain Bibb's Blog: Stardate 60408.3
Things have been relatively smooth during our careful descent to the outer atmosphere, but today we ran into a tiny snag. The weather above the Isles turned rough and unpredictable early this morning, which prevented our navigator from making the necessary calculations for our intra-atmospheric trajectory. Apparently, this sort of thing is common with travelers to England, as the meteorological conditions there change rapidly and often. I have calmed the crew and assured them that this minor setback will do little to delay our arrival, but I cannot help but notice the flaring tempers and raw nerves all over the ship. Such is travel. Such is life.

On a more uplifting topic, however, the plans for our visit become more exciting with each new communiqué we receive from base command. Yesterday, we were informed that Her Inimitableness has requested our presence at a traditional theatrical performance of some sort on the Monday following our touchdown. According to our correspondent, such performances were common in the Middle and Late Renaissance periods in English history, and the "play" we will see comes from the distinguished pen of William Shurkspore...Slacksnear...or something along those lines. They tell us that a reproduction of his original theater still stands in New Southwark, though they had to relocate the structure several times during the Great Floods of 2666. At any rate, such an evening's entertainment should prove the perfect distraction for my exhausted crew, and I welcome the opportunity to view the art of ancient cultures.


timdan said...

I want a postcard!

Bibb Leo File said...

No problem, Timdan. Is there any particular tourist sight you want on the card?