Thursday, March 27, 2008

We Regret To Inform You...

Recently, eaglets, I received yet another "Dear Nigel" letter from a group of Snoddy Snodgrass editors who thought my paper was "very fine" but not quite suited to their esteemed SCHOLARLY journal. Try another journal, they say. Maybe one that's more "devoted to narrative." As opposed to what, I say? Papers on the proper way to tie your Windsor? Comparative analyses of the "summering" experience on the French Riviera vs. the Italian Riviera? Structural interpretations of the perfect soufflé au fromage? Poppycock!

Apparently, one must sell one's soul to Mephistopheles in order to succeed in this business. But since I don't know the proper spells for such an endeavor, perhaps you blogles (that's blog-eagles, you know - I love a good portmanteau) could provide me with paper topics snooty enough to satisfy even the bluest of the high-falutin' bluebloods who run these SCHOLARLY journals (in between their tours of the Swiss Alps and their deep-tissue massages). So whaddya say, eaglogs? Can you spare an upper-crust thesis or two for a poor tramp from the boondocks?


Anonymous said...

"From Et tu, Bruté to Pretty Fly (for a White Guy), The Narrative Macaronic Bridge of Shakespeare to The Offspring."

Bibb Leo File said...

That's not bad. Throw something about post-colonialism in there and mention Stephen Greenblatt or Nina Auerbach and you've got a dissertation!

Fork said...

I know how you feel! Everyone loved the ukulele show except the New York Times! More like the New JERK Times!