Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gehenna or Bust

To take a break from the List of Doom, I wanted to refer all you blogophytes to an imminent movie event not to be missed. Coming out on May 29, Sam Raimi's return to "Real Horror," piquantly entitled Drag Me to Hell, will at long last restore my faith in scream cinema. Think The Evil Dead with (only slightly) better effects.

The plot: in brief, a creepy old gypsy woman (what could be more deliciously melodramatic?) is denied an extension on her mortgage payment (what could be more culturally topical?), and the unfortunate bank bureaucrat responsible spends the remainder of the film hysterically fleeing a legion of sardonic (and surprisingly articulate) demons, while her skeptical boyfriend refuses to entertain even the possibility of a diabolical curse and continuously assures her that she's overreacting and that . . . you guessed it . . . it's probably nothing!

Can you believe it? It's a tract for our troubled times, complete with the evil eye and cackling bugaboos around every corner! What could be better for a nation in dire need of catharsis? Wouldn't we all like to see one of those damned bankers suffer the conflagratory pangs of compulsory damnation? I only hope the bank our "heroine" works for goes by the name "Atlantic Investments Group" or something like that. Kick some ass, Raimi!


monsterscholar said...

Two responses: One: Never shame a gypsy! and Two: Yes, Raimi is back! He'd gone mainstream for so long I thought horror was out of the picture for good. The cast is kinda iffy. During the movie I would keep waiting for Jason Long to go "I'm a stop haunting my girlfriend!" and is that the same girl from BigFish?

Fork said...'s good?

Bibb Leo File said...

Who knows? It comes out on Friday. But how can it not be fantastic?!

For once, I will actually be dragged to hell instead of just feeling that way (on an unrelated note, DO NOT go see Night at the Museum: The Death of Comedy).