Friday, August 22, 2008

Felis Satanicus

Do not adjust your blogs, ladies and gentlemen. You have my word that this image has not been doctored in any way. In fact, you can read the whole freaky story here. The really sad part of the tale, however, is that they named him "Yoda." Yoda?! You have so many wonderful opportunities to indulge your wit in assigning this rare animal a name and you choose Yoda?!!

What about "Dr. Faustus"? What about "Beelzebuffy"? What about "Meowphistophiles," for pity's sake?! I mean, I would have even settled for the predictable "Hellcat" before I'd have agreed to the completely non sequitur Yoda. Some people just have no imagination.


Anonymous said...

Meowphistophiles? Well done, sir. Well done.

Queen, III said...

Maybe they didn't want their kitty to feel evil just because he has a birth know, like how we used to say certain children were possessed by the devil, but now we just call them ADHD? Because a child's self-esteem is ALL that matters. Heaven forbid they grow up understanding limitations. I guess they just want their kitty to have good self-esteem...even if he is possessed with the devil.

Bibb Leo File said...

Your Majesty! I haven't heard from you in ages! Bless you for gracing my humble blog with your royal presence!

And yes, I think you may be onto something there. Satan had LOTS of self-esteem, and look how successful he became. He moved up from a middle management position to the head of his own corporation. Indeed, our children could learn a lot from the Prince of Darkness.