Saturday, April 07, 2007

Cuniculus Terribilis

In the tradition of our good friend Forky Fourchette over on the 42nd floor, I have collected a series of unsettling photos involving horrible bunnies in honor of Pagan Fertility Day...I mean Easter. If your church decides to participate in an egg hunt or a festive dance round the maypole this weekend, think back on these images and cringe inside your new, brightly colored Easter clothes. For you know....

...he's watching, and he's worse than Santa.

Vote for your fave!'d that one get in there?

OK, so this last one isn't terrifying. But you have to admit that the idea of bunnies high on candy and behind the wheel (with nothing left to lose) is pretty scary.

1 comment:

Fork said...

Where did you find those?! Marvelous! Benedict is rolling!