Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Treasure Island With Chest Hair

"I wish I could give a balanced review by pointing out the flaws in this book. But I didn't find any. Powers writes in a clean, elegant style that illuminates without slowing down the tale. The story promises marvels and horrors, and delivers them all. You'll love the characters, you'll stay awake all night reading it, and when you finally do sleep, you'll find this story playing through your dreams." — Orson Scott Card

I just finished this indescribably wonderful book not ten minutes ago, and I can still taste the salt spray on my lips and hear the echoes of pistol shots ringing in my ears. I felt like I was reading a grown-up version of Peter Pan that was somehow also intensely realistic and historically accurate. If you care one tiny bit for sea-faring adventures or pirate stories, then this story will quite literally blow you out of the water (pun intended). If you also happen to like tales that involve magic (and who in this Harry Potter generation doesn't?), then I think you'll find this book's excitingly terrifying treatment of that age-old vodun (or voodoo) sorcery far more riveting and intelligently handled than the whiny and increasingly repetitive "adventures" of an awkward young British wizard.

But the book doesn't stop there, no sir. Powers' expert research continually incorporates the real-life pirate history of the Caribbean and its most famous personalities (especially the infamous but charismatic pirate Captain Blackbeard) into the plot in ways that will make your flesh break out in goosebumps!

So grab yourself a bottle of Captain Morgan's rum, drag a patio chair out by the pool, and get ready to hoist anchor and cast off for the greatest adventure of your life! Arrrrhhh!

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