Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Ear Today, Gone Tomorrow

Yeah, that's the way it's supposed to work. Sometimes, however, the yoo-stay-she-un tube gets fused shut like a blocked shower drain and the resultant semi-blocked sound waves coming through that ear make everything sound like a tiny jazz band trapped inside a sardine can.

A certain blogger experienced this phenomenon this morning as he woke up. Apparently, he had slept on his right side for the entire night, and the ear on that side was crushed into a hideously deformed mutant ear with only faint and filtered sound capabilities. Does anyone out there know any crazy, homespun remedies for unclogging a stuck eustachian tube? I'll do anything: consult a witch, light my ear on fire, listen to country music ... anything!


Fork said...

Here's the cure-all:

Step outside of your place of business, preferably on some busy thoroughfare, and spin around really fast with your arms out. As you do this, say "Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya". Your you-STAY-shee-uhn toobs shood now bee kleer!

Anonymous said...

Pipe cleaner. Get it waaaaaaaay up in there.